Having sympathy with non-Muslims.
Hazrat Maulana Kaleem Ahmed Siddiqui is known among those great personalities in the Islamic world particularly in India who always think about every human on the world whether he is Muslim, or non-Muslim, Hindu, Jew or Christian. Allah almighty has rewarded him with the manner to preach in the Hindus. Hundreds of thousands Hindus have accepted Islam on his hands. It reveals on one hand his sincerity with humanity and on other hand reveals the spirit of sympathy and pain for others. Wherever I met him I found his life a unique life that reveals the pain for humanity in his every breath and his words witness while wishing that may no non-Muslim head towards the hell. There is no space for hate or killing the non-Muslim in his heart, rather he routed out this will from several hearts.
This book is the compilation of interviews of new Muslims who turned to almighty Allah with His grace and blessing and guidance. Read their story of acceptance of Islam in this book.